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Childcare Centre

“Consult our experts to choose the right software for your organization!”

All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps
All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps

Online Children Admission

❐ Inquiry, Wait-list and Enrollment

❐ Smart Child Scheduler

❐ Pick Up & Drop Off List

❐ Child Health Report & Legal Documentation

❐ Supports Multi-Child Family

❐ Supports Internal Classroom & Centre Transfer

❐ Children Activity Planner & Reporting

❐ Active Parent Communication

Smart Tuition and Invoicing
Tuition Records┃Multi Payment Modes┃Subsidy & Grants

Child monthly Invoicing & Tuition Fee Records
eTransfer, Credit / Debit Card, and Auto PAD / PAC
Tuition Fee Auto-Reconciliation
Auto Records Child Subsidy
Detailed Payment Transaction Reports
Miscellaneous Fees Addition & Reduction
Child Subsidy
Childcare Provincial Grants
British Columbia-CCOF, CCFRI…. Alberta-Affordability Grants
Saskatchewan-Parent Fee Reduction Grants
▪ Manitoba-Operating Grants ▪ Nova Scotia – QI Grants
▪ Ontario-Canada-Wide Early Learning & Child Care

All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps
All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps

Multi-Site Child Care Centre
Manage Multiple Locations | Centralized Operations | Reports | Users & Roles | Operational Models & Policies

Headquarter Management

All Centre(s) Tuition Overview
Real time Child to Teacher Ratio and Attendance Overview
Detailed Transaction Reports
Accounting Purpose Reports
Monthly Child Subsidy Reports
Supports Child Centre Location Movement
User & Role Management
Supports $10-a-Day Program and Other Operational Model
Compliant to Provincial Policies & Regulations
Upload / Validate Mandatory Forms & Documentation

Classroom Management

Smart Attendance

Dynamic Attendance System
Teacher Reminder Board
Parent Messaging & Report Writing
Activity Planning and Scheduling
Daily Activity Reporting
Photo Sharing
Classroom Notes

All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps
All in one Daycare App for all types Childcare Settings like Large Childcare Organizations, Single Daycares, Home daycares. B&A School Programs, Out of School Care, Preschools and Camps

Camp and Activities

Create and Manage Out of School / After School Activities
Manage Child Wait List & Enrollment
Dynamic Attendance System

AI Teacher Assistant

Report Writing┃Parent Messaging ┃Photo Sharing ┃
Daily Activity ┃Activity Scheduler

Vocabulary Improvisation
Phrase Enhancement
Professional Writing

Discover the Full Potential of esiKidz

Now is the time to upgrade to esiKidz

  • A 30-day Free Trial
  • Free Training
  • Video Tutorials
  • Data Migration Assistance

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esiKidz Onboarding System

esiKidz software onboarding process starting from Demo Meeting, Submitting Quote, Setting up Free Trial, Engaging into Data Migration, Software Training and Subscribing Refer within your Childcare Community
esiKidz software onboarding process starting from Demo Meeting, Submitting Quote, Setting up Free Trial, Engaging into Data Migration, Software Training and Subscribing Refer within your Childcare Community